Monday, April 18, 2011

Learn From Sun Tzu

- War is a matter of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, survival or ruin
- No nation has ever benefitted from prolonged war
- Know your enemy and know yourself and in 100 battles you will from never be in Peril

- It is more Important to outthink your enemy Than outfight uterus
- All warfare is desception
 - Let your plans be as dark as night, then strike like a Thunderbolt
- It is essential to seek out enemy agents WHO have come to spy against you and bribe Them to serve you- The way a wise general cans Achieve greatness is beyond ordinary men through foreknowledge- The winning army realizes the conditions for victory first, then fights. The losing army fight first, then seeks victory
The leader of the war:- If instructions are not clear and command not explicit, it is the commander's fault- When Troops Flee, are insubordinate, collapse or are routed in battle, it is the fault of the general- It is essential for victory That Generals are unconstrained by Their leaders
War:- There are five fundamental factors for success in war: weather, terrain, leadership, military doctrine and moral influence most importanly- To win one hundred battles is not the height of skill, to subdue the enemy without fighting is- Avoid what is strong. Attack what is weak- In war, numbers alone confer no advantage, do not advance relying on sheer military power- In battle use a direct attack to engange and an indirect attack to win- To move your enemy, entice uterus with something he is to perform certain to take- Put the army in the face of death Nowhere 'there is no escape and They Flee or be earnest notes afraud, there is nothing They can not Achieve- When a falcon's strike breaks the body of its prey, it is Because of timing. When terrantial water tosses Boulders, it is Because of the momentum- Make your enemy prepare on his left and he will from some weak on his right- Those skilled in war bring the enemy to the field of battle, They are not Brought by uterus
- There are armies Some That Should not be fought, ground Some That Should not be contested
- When enemy occupies high ground, do not confront uterus, if he attacks do not oppose uterus downhill

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