Model View Controller (MVC)MVC is a software architecture, which is currently used as a pattern-making in manufacturing engineering software. The pattern of the isolate "the realm of logic" (logic applications to users) from the interface (input and presentation), an independent development, testing and maintenance for each component separately.
Though MVC comes offer different flavors, control flow generally as follows:1. Users interact with the interface in different ways, for example, pressing the mouse, drag & drop, hit enter.
Though MVC comes offer different flavors, control flow generally as follows:1. Users interact with the interface in different ways, for example, pressing the mouse, drag & drop, hit enter.
2. The controller handles the input event from the interface and transform it into an appropriate action and understood by the model.3. The controller tells the model of the action from the user, may produce changes in the state model4. A view asks the model to create an appropriate interface.5. Users accept and process changes back to number 1.
Models dealing with the behavior and data from the realm of applications, responding to requests for information about its situation (usually from view), and respond by doing the command to replace the condition (usually from the controller). In event based system, the model tells view when the information changes so that it can react. Models do not have a data base, in the MVC model is data and business logic required to manipulate data in applications. Many applications use a persistent storage mechanism (attached) as the database for storing data. The model is not a data access object. Active Line is a design pattern that combines the realm of logic with data access code.
View is the interface that is displayed on the screen that allows interaction with the user. MVC is often seen on the web-based applications, where view HTML or XHTML form created by the application.
The controller receives user input, process and make a response in the form of commands to the model and view to perform the action.
Although MVC is associated with the framework, but actually represents an architecture. This means that the MVC can be implemented without the use of OOP class hierarchy though, the key is divided into the MVC components are clearly in the three section.
ZK (Open Source Ajax) - Direct RIA TechnologyDirect RIA is a technology designed to increase developer productivity by integrating frontends and backends of applications that have user friendly and rich. Direct RIA is a powerful Internet applications and comprehensive adjust various clients (browsers, mobile devices). Direct RIA maximize the productivity of developers to access directly to the interface, database and web services. Direct RIA minimize time and costs by mengsingkronkan between clients and providers.
Direct RIA include Java, direct access to a view, direct access to the database, direct access to web services, server push (Comet), does not require JavaScript code on the client, 100% to control the event, 100% based on components, Live Data, Drag & Drop, Bookmarking, Ajax, Mobile, Flash, and so on.
Preparation1. Install Java (TM) - JDK (Ubuntu).First, make sure that the repository in the latest state by running the command "sudo apt-get update". Install Java (TM) Development Kit and the Java (TM) plug-ins by running the command "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin", because the version used is version 6.2. Install the NetBeans IDE.Download NetBeans from the main download page, choose NetBeans that there is a server (especially Tomcat) in it. Why choose Tomcat, not Glashfish? The answer is simple, easy to perform error checking during program development. Install Netbeans using the command "sudo sh namafileNetbeans". Follow the next instruction, be sure to select a server, do not need a lot, just enough to Tomcat.3. Mysql Install by typing the command "sudo apt-get mysql-server".4. Download the library version 3.6.3 zk, zk plugin for netbeans 3.6.3 and iReport 3.0.0 version, because I use these versions for the manufacture of the program. If using another version is feared there are differences that resulted in the program can not run perfectly.5. Install the plugin zk.Open Netbeans, then press the menu "Tools"> "Plugins", then going out the window "Plugins". Select the tab "Downloaded", click the "Add Plugins ...", select the file"filenamezk363.nbm" in the media store, and then follow the instructions.
Case Study - Personal Finance Management (PFM)Business logic:1. Users registered by the administrator manually. (Simplify the process)2. To fill the PFM, the user must log in first.3. After login, users are able to fill the velocity of money and view reports per year.
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